It’s A Kinda Magic …

The monthly adventures of the Curry Club could be described as magical events – mystical melting pots where boisterous enthusiasm and dynamite chat combine with superhuman feats of consumption to create a triforce of curry camaraderie. But while all members of our merry band are no strangers to magic – each confessing to being masters of the dark art of the magical hovering duvet – our esteemed co-founder Trampy recently proved himself to be grand wizard of the group with a mindbending display of his powers of illusion. Although almost forgotten by those present to witness the feat, a photo of his devious act of trickery can be spied in the summary of our expedition to (A) Shish Mahal in deepest Maryhill. Now video footage of the event has emerged so we can all once again marvel at the magical skills of Curry Club's very own Ali Bongo. Listen carefully and you can even hear him evoke his muse, Jan Leeming ...

Thanks to Ravi Peshwari for the footage ...